Seminary Receives Lilly Endowment Grant

   Campus News | Posted on December 8, 2021

bet365中文大学很高兴地宣布,它已经收到了997美元的五年资助,444 from Lilly Endowment Inc. 帮助基督复临安息日会神学院(SDATS)加强牧师在城市环境中有效服务的能力.

礼来捐赠基金通过其明日之路倡议提供了这笔赠款. 这是一个分三个阶段的计划,旨在帮助美国和加拿大的神学院优先考虑和应对他们在为当地教会准备牧师和信徒领袖时所面临的最紧迫的挑战.

Andrews University President Andrea Luxton shares, “我很高兴我校获得了这项具有竞争力的礼来捐赠基金. 这种慷慨的支持将使神学院大大加深神学院学生在城市环境中从事创新事工的机会.”

The funds will be used to establish (a) an urban ministry concentration with a strong focus on community development; (b) an urban Clinical Pastoral Education program, in collaboration with Kettering Health; (c) a fully off-campus MDiv cohort for students preparing for urban ministry through the equipping of classrooms for in-person/remote delivery; and (d) an open–access database of Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) theological scholarship.

Jiří Moskala, SDATS dean, “我很高兴神学院成为竞争激烈的明日之路基金的接受者, 这将促进牧区的准备工作,在北美分部的城市环境服事. 我特别高兴的是,未来建立临床教牧教育项目,提供实用的实地指导和培训. New great opportunities of the untrodden path lie ahead of us.”

sdat领导的项目将与凯特琳健康艺术学院共同开发 & Sciences, the James White Library, and the Office of Research & Creative Scholarship. 拨款申请小组由塞德里克·瓦因博士领导,他是新约副教授.

基督复临安息日会神学院是84所神学院之一,这些神学院将从“明日之路”计划第二阶段提供的总额超过8200万美元的赠款中受益. Together, the schools represent evangelical, mainline Protestant, nondenominational, Pentecostal, 罗马天主教和黑人教堂以及历史悠久的和平教堂传统.g., Church of the Brethren, Mennonite, Quakers). Many schools also serve students and pastors from Black, Latino, Korean American, Chinese American and recent immigrant Christian communities.

长期以来,神学院在教会培养牧养领袖方面发挥着关键作用,” said Christopher L. Coble, Lilly Endowment’s vice president for religion. “今天,这些学校发现自己处于一个快速而深刻的变化时期. Through the Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative, 神学院将采取深思熟虑的步骤,以对他们最有意义的方式解决他们所确定的挑战. 我们相信,他们的努力对于确保基督教会众继续拥有源源不断的牧养领袖至关重要,这些牧养领袖已经准备好领导明天的教会.”


Lilly Endowment Inc. 是一家位于印第安纳波利斯的私人慈善基金会,于1937年由J.K. Lilly Sr. and his sons Eli and J.K. Jr. 通过赠送他们的制药公司礼来公司的股票. 尽管股票捐赠仍然是基金会的财务基石, it is a separate entity from the company, with a distinct governing board, staff and location. 按照创始人的意愿,基金会支持的事业 community developmenteducation and religion 并对其创始人的家乡印第安纳波利斯和家乡印第安纳州保持着特殊的承诺. The primary aim of its grantmaking in religion, which is national in scope, 专注于加强美国基督教会众的领导和活力. 该基金会还寻求促进公众对宗教的理解,并提高宗教的公平性, 准确和平衡地看待各种信仰和宗教团体的人们对我们更大的公民福祉的贡献.
